Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What I will miss of Germany

I woud like to ask people who lived in Germany for a while and now are somewhere else what do they miss of Germany. Some might say the beer, some others the perfect organisation of many public services, or others again the exhausting bureaucracy.
For me, I could think about two things in particular right now.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy people

I would like to ask why some people are so nice and helpful, like they always have a big smile on their face, and some other always make trouble and see the dark side of everything. These last ones seem to just absorb your energy and spread tiredness and willingness to complain. The other ones remind you with the most unexpected and little things that there actually are nice people around.
I would like to be one of these happy-spreading walking stars. They are not always fakely hypocritically happy, they have their bad moments, but they don't accuse the world for them. They just think, "Oh, whatever, I can't do anything for it, so who cares" and they don't get bothered. I'm envious!

I would like to ask what is their secret. Green tea? Pills? Sex? Innate wisdom? Happy family background? Well, I will just try to stay nearer to them... get some of their light, and learn from them. I hope I will! 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dreaming, dreaming

I would like to ask whether you ever had this feeling you took all wrong decisions in your life. You do your stuff every day and you keep thinking about how many other things you could do, how much time you do NOT have to do what you enjoy, how many other people you could meet, in which other place you could be. You start dreaming and dreaming, and then you stop thinking about the relative safety your job and daily life gives you, and then you start again. Many job seems better than yours, many places seems better to leave than when you are.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Snow time

I would like to ask how many things can be seen only when snow is laying on the ground.
Today morning I could see I was the first one to leave my building. My footsteps left the first signs on the white steps.
I could also notice that the bus always stop in exactly the same place. The people taking the previous buses have jumped in exactly where I did.
The parents looks exhausted and exasperated while pulling the sledge with their kids, who complain about going too slow, or wanting to go up the hill once more.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


I would like to ask what are those lights appearing as a town almost suddenly from the nothing in the window of the night train. Everywhere is dark but you can then see a galaxy of bright yellow lights. The first thought goes to San Francisco, or New York City, where the lights define the shape and the form of the buildings, the color of which merges with the one of the dark sky. But then you get nearer, you pass an empty bleak station with no roof, but some grass even where it would not be expected to be. And you see a name: Leuna.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas crowd shopping

[...i'm back...]

I would like to ask why there were so many people outside in the streets today. It was so full, one could barely walk without being pushed or hit by the others, or by one of their thousand bags they were carrying while also trying to get through the human mass floating and flooding around.
I am nowhere normally associated with a mass of people, like an Indian or Chinese metropole. I am in the downtown of a small city, but today is the third-but-last saturday before Christmas. As here on Sunday the shops are closed, this is basically one of the last three days in which everyone can go shopping, or better, Christmas shopping. No matter that everywhere lies snow and we are far below -10°C.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Seated break

I would like to ask what happens when you have finished all what you were supposed to do. When you sit down, on a rock in the park, on the chair in the kitchen drinking tea, or on the floor of an empty apartment. And you think, "men, I do not remember when it was the last time I was sitting like this". And the following thought is sometimes, "But what did I do all this time? Why could I not sit here?".