Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I would like to ask the drivers of trams and buses whether they learn at driving school to wait for pedestrians approaching to their wagon for letting them taking it, or whether it is just a general, cultural, overall diffused polite obviousness.

It does not matter whether the pedestrian is hurrying to the bus stop, often it happens when you are just by coincidence nearby it and you don't even think about it, and just passing by you see the bus or the tram having all doors shut a part the last one nearest to you. And as soon as you pass it without caring about it, it get closed and the bus starts.
Sometimes something similar happens with private cars near zebra lines. They are coming, 50 km/h in town and no way faster, and as soon as a pedestrian is nearby zebra lines they slow down, and eventually they stop, unless the pedestrian is so kind to say in sign-language "no, i am not gonna cross the road, just go on". If the pedestrian does not do this, the car stops, sees whether the guy actually want to cross the road or not, then starts again and goes away.

It amazes me how great this whole works, and the great majority of people (drivers and pedestrians) respect the rule, trying to avoid uselessness consumption of everyone else's time. And diminishing pedestrian's worries and stress, while no driver gets angry or fed up because he had to wait for a pedestrian who then did not even jumped in the bus or did not have to cross the road.

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