Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy people

I would like to ask why some people are so nice and helpful, like they always have a big smile on their face, and some other always make trouble and see the dark side of everything. These last ones seem to just absorb your energy and spread tiredness and willingness to complain. The other ones remind you with the most unexpected and little things that there actually are nice people around.
I would like to be one of these happy-spreading walking stars. They are not always fakely hypocritically happy, they have their bad moments, but they don't accuse the world for them. They just think, "Oh, whatever, I can't do anything for it, so who cares" and they don't get bothered. I'm envious!

I would like to ask what is their secret. Green tea? Pills? Sex? Innate wisdom? Happy family background? Well, I will just try to stay nearer to them... get some of their light, and learn from them. I hope I will! 

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