Saturday, November 17, 2012

Changes and complains

I would like to ask why people like to be always in the same situation, telling about it, complaining about it, and be careful that nothing changes.

I had few talks in the past days with friends and ex-colleagues I did not chat to since a while. Somehow, when someone tells one people that you are moving, people from all over the world suddenly call you to ask you "Oh, but is it true? Are you moving again?". Sometimes they did not call you since the last time you moved, so it become sarcastic and funny to have a conversation with them. Basically everything you had told them in the last call (job, family, house...) is completely obsolete, as in a life phase which is going to terminate soon, because you are moving on. And they, well, the give you always the same answers - and I am not talking about elderly people, who might not be very comfortable in big changes.
So, this friend of mine, she always wanted to go abroad with her husband. Nevertheless, kind of complicated by the fact that her job is not spendable outside her country. On the other side, his job is, so they would not starve at the beginning, when then she could learn a new job. But, he always said, already when they first met (ten years ago), he does not want to go abroad. He likes his house, his region, and he does not care that the economic situation is not great so that his customers do not pay or pay late. Every time I talk to her I hear: I would so much like to go abroad, we went looking for houses but the prices are too high, and anyway I would not know what to do, and my husband is not very convinced. I don't understand: either it is to her important enough to do something about going abroad (forcing her husband, go by herself) or it is not. In this case, she should just go over it, stop complaining and enjoy what she has in her place.
The other day, group meeting. Two colleagues complain that the other department is overloaded and does not give them on time the data that they need. Moreover, when they finally get the data, they are incomplete or wrong. The discussion went on for 90 minutes. A huge amount of time where I wondered how many data would they have got by themselves if they would have worked instead of discussing. But anyway, when I was back to my desk, my officemate told me: "I have been working here since 8 years and the same problem was already being discussed. After all this time, people still complain, the problem is still there, and no solution has been undertaken." And I also wondered, something in all this is not logical; is simply does not make any sense, we are throwing away energy and money, time and human nerves.
Then I got the call from a friend. He feels lonely and sad, because he has no friends to hang out with. I told him to choose himself a hobby and try to know more people, but he said he has no hobbies. Then I told him, try to organise something with your work colleagues. But no, they are apparently in his eyes weird people. He finally joined a game club which meets once a week to try new board games. There he met few people of the same age and they exchanged the contact data in order to communicate when one can not go or the game is canceled. Now he complains that they never call him, because everyone always can go to the game and they meet always in the same day. I don't know what to say.

Maybe it is just a matter of attitude. If you want things to change, you have most times to do something - either let them change, or change yourself. You can't just complain. If you do, then you just like complaining, but you have nothing to complain about.

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