Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bad mood and changes

I would like to ask whether it is rare, sometimes, that one has bad mood and does not know why. When it happens to me, first I think that I am tired and I need sleep. But if this is not the case, I just keep my bad mood and try not to bother others. Consequently, my bad mood get worse, because I can't really do anything about it but it is preventing me to enjoy the day or other's company.
When I have enough, I force myself to understand what it is causing it. This might make it even worse, because I can not understand why, and I hate not to have control on myself.

The best solution is then trying to deal with manual works, or sport. Go for a long walk - no matter the weather - , clean the house (at least something useful), cook something or whatever might just distract my mind from thinking and thinking.
If I am lucky, at some point I will have an epiphany with some hint of causes for bad mood. If not, I will get tired while doing too much stuff and I will fall asleep without too many distractions. The bad mood might then lasts more days, but at some point I will find the cause.
Today I got kind of an epiphany. I am not so sure it has been actually so useful. It just told me that I have bad mood because so much is changing in my life and I have so few control on all this, although more or less I decided to start these changes, and toughtfully. Basically, too many changes, too many things to check and to do, too few control. But what it really bothers me, nobody seems to understand what I am going through. Apparently, the fact that I decided to change so much kind of implies that I am prepared to that. But I am not!
So, am I saying I would like to have some empathy, or let's call it compassion? Well, maybe. I would just like to hear some sentence like "It is difficult, but everything will be fine" rather than "Oh, that's cool. You always go for the most difficult way, you are so strong, I am so proud." or "Oh great, you are so lucky".
People think that if someone is strong, or lucky, he does not need help, support, or simply empathy. Because he will somehow manage. So, what does it mean, is someone not human anymore?  

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