Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Moving boxes

I would like to ask what is the best strategy to pack your things if you are going to leave them to plow ocean waves for 8 weeks and you eventually hope to get them back in a not too moldy state. Actually, maybe the first question would be what are the things that fit in the bag you will carry with you, and which ones are all the other ones. No matter which criteria I applied for finding an answer, I always got something completely useless: either you think about all the stuff you could not have and you would still exist - and then you think, why do I have all this crap? and it does not really help. Or, you try to "save" your favorite clothes and the important documents and precious belonging, for then finding out they will never fit in your bag.

But anyway. Let say that you finally got a valid selection criteria and here you are, with the stuff to be put in the moving boxes. What is better? To make "thematic boxes", so that you have one with the adventure books and the jogging trousers, and one with the romance books and the pijamas, and one with the work books and the less bad clothes. And in every box, some underwear and socks, so that if a box get lost, you still might have some things to wear yourself completely. Although, well, there are shops everywhere.
Or, to be on "type boxes", so that in one there are all the cooking books and the blue sweaters, in another one some pots with the light color t-shirts, and so on. If then one box get lost, you are out of only one type of clothing.
Of course, I assumed you would mix the clothes with the other stuff to get more or less all the boxes to weight the same.
I believe, maybe the mixed type is the better one. You can spred kitchen stuff and books among different boxes, so that the weight is kind of distributed and the important things as well, and the clothes also mixed, so that you don't completely run out of one type.
I know, I am getting a bit pessimistic about seeing my stuff again, although I do not see why exactly the ship with my stuff should sink. Still, let's try to be prepared. My friends and colleagues apparently know so many people who moved around the world and lost something or all and they got it back or not. And honestly, I think that an insurance of your stuff against total loss only by default set at 1,8% by all the moving companies I got an offer from is actually kind of suspicious!

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