Monday, November 26, 2012

Seated break

I would like to ask what happens when you have finished all what you were supposed to do. When you sit down, on a rock in the park, on the chair in the kitchen drinking tea, or on the floor of an empty apartment. And you think, "men, I do not remember when it was the last time I was sitting like this". And the following thought is sometimes, "But what did I do all this time? Why could I not sit here?".

Sunday, November 25, 2012

One step, one breath, one movement of brush

I would like to ask why sometimes things seem to be bigger than ourselves, then our forces and energies. Sometimes they are somewhere outside, sometimes they just occupi the whole living room and they look so huge to us: thoughts, things to be done, things to be tidied, situations to consider, email keeping going through our head.
Other times, we just start trying to do one piece at a time, one step at a time. As in "Momo" by Michael Ende, the long big road will never be cleaned if you consider it in its completeness, but it will be cleaned if you just focus on every step, "a step, a breath, a movement of the brush; a step, a breath, a movement of the brush"...
And so, at the end, when you sit down after having reached your little goal, you find out that the living room is empty, or tided, and that your mind is happier, and more satisfied of having considered all available possibilities.
And it seems, things just solve by themselves. Your effort was much tinier than expected. And you could even go on, one step, one breath... 

Friday, November 23, 2012

Writing, moving, sleeping

I would like to ask whether it makes more sense, now, to write something here or just to go to bed. I wanted to try to write something every day, or every couple of days, but the fact that I am moving is taking me so much energy and effort and time and thinking, that I am not able, in these days, to also think about something to say and then write it.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Unaware boys

I would like to ask whether the boys on the tram today see the lady who was trying to reach the tram door at the station. She was too slow on her wheelchair, she touch the button for opening the sliding door too late. But the boys could have just press the one to get out, and she would have managed.
I don't think they saw her. They were probably not mean, just distracted. They were looking at the newest mobile phone one of them had, and playing a game. They completely forgot about the rest of the world.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Changes and complains

I would like to ask why people like to be always in the same situation, telling about it, complaining about it, and be careful that nothing changes.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Skills for everyone and own limits

I would like to ask why it is so difficult to accept that we are not good at doing something. I am sure that everyone has some qualities and skills, but I can also imagine that everyone is not able to do everything. Even if he wants to learn everything, he might just not be able to. It is maybe what most people call "untalented".

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The fog

I would like to ask whether you know that smell, the one given by billions of tiny drops of water suspended in the cold air on the early morning or early evening. The same one that still has also a shadow of something else, maybe cut grass, fallen leaves, smog, train brakes, and almonds. The same one which makes your clothes feel wet without pouring water, which let you walk in a sensation of fluidity, as if air and water would have mixed forming no sparks but water bubbles. And so levitating while swim-walking one tries to find the known landscape outside the own apartment door, but everything is disappearing in this fluid: in the fog.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Moving boxes

I would like to ask what is the best strategy to pack your things if you are going to leave them to plow ocean waves for 8 weeks and you eventually hope to get them back in a not too moldy state. Actually, maybe the first question would be what are the things that fit in the bag you will carry with you, and which ones are all the other ones. No matter which criteria I applied for finding an answer, I always got something completely useless: either you think about all the stuff you could not have and you would still exist - and then you think, why do I have all this crap? and it does not really help. Or, you try to "save" your favorite clothes and the important documents and precious belonging, for then finding out they will never fit in your bag.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Panic moment

I would like to ask what do you do when you feel like you don't manage anymore, you can't do all what you had planned, you get confused and don't get straight your thoughts about your movements, and you think I will never manage, aaaaaaah.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Buying a house

I would like to ask what are the reasons which motivate someone to buy a house. Of course, I am considering someone who has the possibility to do it, either using some saved money or agreeing a mortgage.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Online university classes

I would like to ask what are the goals of online university classes. I have just helped a friend to prepare for the paper she has to submit this week. The topic regards the comparison between two different table which have to be prepared by the student using two different softwares. After we spent some time understanding how the table should look like and which data we can use, we realized that we only had one of the required softwares available and no idea of how to get the other for free. We checked the book, the website, the class description and nowhere was to be found a link or a hint of how to get the necessary software.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I would like to ask whether it is getting more common in scientific conferences about electronics and semiconductor not only to consider Moore's law, not only to say that we are in the More-Than-Moore time, but also to think whether it is rather a "Nothing-More" time.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Walking at night

I would like to ask what I was thinking few years ago in the case I was walking back home at night. Was I worried and scared, or was I enjoying the night atmosphere? I remember both cases, but I can't think of when the one stopped and the being frightened got more frequent.
Since quite a long time I did not have the occasion of walking back home through the town when completely dark and late enough to be desert - in the last time, I was by car or by taxi or by tram.
Somehow, I forgot how it feels. The empty roads, the silent streets, round light spots on your way and square ones along the houses.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Café with packaged cakes

I would like to ask why more and more often there are public places which sells coffee and cakes, but the cakes are not freshly baked, but just taken out from the freezer and warmed up. Not only: you could buy the same cake at the supermarket - paying of course less than half the price.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bad mood and changes

I would like to ask whether it is rare, sometimes, that one has bad mood and does not know why. When it happens to me, first I think that I am tired and I need sleep. But if this is not the case, I just keep my bad mood and try not to bother others. Consequently, my bad mood get worse, because I can't really do anything about it but it is preventing me to enjoy the day or other's company.
When I have enough, I force myself to understand what it is causing it. This might make it even worse, because I can not understand why, and I hate not to have control on myself.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Assumptions and discussions

I would like to ask why is it so difficult to discuss a plan or an idea instead of just assuming it good and accepted by everyone. Just imagine that it is dinner time and your mum or your partner tells you, "Today you have to eat noodle", or instead, "Today evening we will eat noodle because i have to finish the tomato sauce in the fridge and noodle is good for you and we don't eat it since a while". Which one is easier to accept, in particular if you don't like noodle so much and were already planning to get fish and chips at your favorite store?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Others' problems

I would like to ask whether there is a reason why some people are curious about what other people feels and think, and willing to listen to them and try to help them just by talking and discussing the problem, while other are not. These second ones prefer to focus on themselves, seeing only their own problems, which becomes incommensurably big and feel like they have never been experienced by anyone before them - just because they don't know, because they do not care about what other people live.