Thursday, September 20, 2012

A different tram stop

I would like to ask whether people try sometimes to just take another way to go to an usual place. Let say that you go to work every day by car. Do you follow always the same path, or sometimes you change, just to have different views? Or, if you take the tram, do you take it always at the same stop or sometimes you walk to the next or previous one?

Today I missed my bus, so I walked until the following stop to wait. My usual stop is near the main train station, is very loud, busy, and quite ugly with its massive cement blocks, under a train bridge which repairs you from the rain but channels the wind. The following stop is just along the town park. On one side of the road there are evergreen trees in English-style gardens which host squirrels and birds. One boy is sitting on the bench on the top of the little hill, starring in the void - maybe he is listening to his headphones, I can't see. On the other side, houses built at the end of the 19th century and finely renovated show the flowers on their narrow terraces and decorated façades, sometimes hidden by the little bushes and plants which are planted in the stripe of earth around the entrance.
The two stops are less than 3 minutes walk away and the world around them is so different! I am always amazed by how many styles and sides a town can show.
I had the time, while waiting for the bus, to let myself get surprised by the details of what was around my new spot. Just observing what I normally do not see from the bus, as I might be distracted by my book or friends or colleagues, or the bus is going too fast.
It is just nice to have another spirit for doing what is to us common and almost daily. 

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