Thursday, September 6, 2012


I would like to ask how many people sometimes just sit on their favorite spot on a chair, sofa, bench, stone, and just... sit. No computer, book or knitting in their hands, no pets, no kids. You might hold in your hands just a cup of hot chocolate, or tea or coffee. That's it. Well, I also allow you to have a pillow if you are more confortable, or you need something to squeeze. And a cover, if you are cold. But that's it. Nothing else.

Nothing that could break the flow of your thoughts with some factual matter. I am talking about that kind of flow that you can't even describe. The one that you almost completely forget as soon as someone interrupts it for asking "Hey, are you ok? What are you thinking about?".
Although it is difficult to catch, difficult to describe and to remember, I do believe that in those moments - I can not quantify how long they are - sometimes the most important decisions are taken. It is like if one could forget everything else and just let the unnecessary disappear, so that maybe only what we really want to do and what we really think and are, after all the noise, remains.
Sometimes it just does not remain anything. Those are the times in which I get really frightened, as if I have been so busy doing "stuff" that I forgot about myself. This is a signal that something in my schedule is wrong. That I need to slow down, or I will even forget to think, at some point.
Other times, just a feeling of confusion with shadows of ideas remains. Things I could still do, things I would like to change but I do not know how. Things I have done, without really knowing why are they so important, why should I care.
And more rarely, much more rarely, everything vanishes but a resolution. A clear statement that says, yes, I should do this. And a checklist forms, and the cycle restarts.

When some people see me so absent-minded, deep in my thoughts, they freak out. I admire their capability of thinking productively when surrounded by noise. I wonder how they do that. I need distance to be able to ignore all abundant elements and summarize my thoughts in an way I can try to understand the situation I am in. I just can't process all information if I continuously get inputs (from phone, tablet, people around, clouds, traffic lights). How can I process an information if the information changes while I am processing it? 

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