Sunday, September 9, 2012

Books and e-Books

I would like to ask the readers of electronic books whether you miss the dusty heavy hardcover books in the living room near the sofa. Or the cheap light books with recycled paper that fitted everywhere in any bag and could be opened like bananas to read the words near the binding. And the feeling of the paper frame under the finger tips, so dry, so rough sometime. And also so dirty, sometime, making your fingers black if the book was printed on cheap not really ink-absorbing paper - but wonder, coffee and tea got absorbed so well as soon as one drop dropped on the most important sentence of the page.
I do see the advantages of an electronic book, whichever company you would like to consider.
It is light, thin, easy to hold with one hand, easy to order wherever you are, ease to read in any light situation, easy to read changing the font size, easy to understand checking the words you don't know, ease to order books in other languages, ... easy. And you don't even risk to cut yourself while turning a page and hesitating too long on the sharp edge with the finger.
I can't find any backside of this grey plastic tablet, a part the fact that is grey and of plastic, and so anonymous. And, well, I can't anymore look at the spine to inconspicuously find out what my seat-neighbor is reading, nor get any feeling about the content of the book from the graphic of the cover or the publisher, if I don't know the title. I will probably have to look at the expressions of their faces, and guessing will get hard. At the youth hostels there will be no more "book boxes" where you could exchange your read book with one left behind by another traveller, nor will you be able to see any sign or note on used books, which will disappear as well.
These are all no "real" drawbacks, I would call them rather "romantic drawbacks". Those things without importance that somehow still mean something to someone, but they are against any logical thinking and practical consideration, so that eventually they might not be considered anymore, and maybe get forgotten. Then we will be in the era where everyone will look at the same plastic tablet, hopefully with different expression.

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