Friday, October 12, 2012


I would like to ask what would be the world without music. It is something so ephemeral and impalpable, but still with the power of changing our way of feeling or let us be less alone. You can sing with it, you can just enjoy it laying lazy on the sofa, or you can use it as a background for a lot of activities. And there are so many different types, it can be so different, from the African traditional drums to electronic music, from Wiener Waltz to bands.

Behind our enjoyment, though, there is a careless system with market, shares, copyrights, author's right,  young talents and lost youths, and stress for performing in the best way for winning more, being better, get more fame, like in other competitions, although some say it is mixed to feelings and art. How can one be so professional to express feelings that he feels by command or does not feel during a concert?
It is impressive how something so near to life when we listen to it can be so representative of bad aspects of our society when we look on how actually it is realized. 

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