Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Silence in town

I would like to ask how would it be a town where you can not hear a noise. Everything would still work as usual - car crossing with powerful engines, door getting opened and closed, people walking around - but nothing would emit a sound. People would talk with signs and through videocalls.

This is the world I found myself the other day in the early morning. It was a holiday, some shops were open for the tourists, but very few people were around and the two or three cars I saw were driving slowly without a hurry. And then, in front of me was a group of four people which was clearly having a lively friendly discussion about something, but only with signs and gestures. No sounds. Suddenly on the other side of the road another little group of people approached from the other direction. The people in front of me started to wave with wide movements, stopping proceeding. The other people saw them and replied waving in a very visible way, showing surprise and happiness in their face like bad actors of an old mute film. They finally crossed the road and all together shook their hands, immediately busy in making new signs.
This happened to me twice that morning, and it begun to feel weird. Then it came to my mind that I had seen some street posters advertising the yearly meeting of deaf and dumb people taking place in town for one week.
They were everywhere. For one week, you could see the communication between people with the signs they were using, you had to look at them and could just not be busy doing something else, because you simply have to look at what they say with their hands.
And suddenly, in town, the volume was lower. Fewer people shouting, yelling, talking loudly, as if everyone noticed the guests and the communication of everyone got influenced by their silence.
We could learn from them. 

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